Flu Shot Realities
Nutrition and Seasonal Flu
Antibiotics fight bacteria but won’t help against viral
infections, and there are limited medical options. Flu drugs must be taken within 48 hours of the first
symptoms of influenza and only claim to reduce symptoms by about 1.5 days. [1],
Flu shots are only effective against 1-3 strains of influenza;
depending on how lucky the researchers’ guess was several months earlier. But
exposure to one or more flu strains, such as by getting a flu shot, actually
make us more susceptible to infection from other virus strains by reducing our immune
response. Researchers know that,
theoretically, when people are exposed to bacteria or a virus, it can stimulate
the immune system to create antibodies that facilitate the entry of another
strain of the virus or disease. For example, Canadian researchers in four separate
studies found that people who had received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past
were more likely to get sick with the H1N1 virus. [3]
There is evidence that the nutrient status of the host even
affects the genetic expression of viruses. An unsuitable environment like a
well-nourished body inhibits the ability of a virus to freely replicate and
thrive. This not only makes viruses more virulent, but also more prone to
mutate inside us to become more immune- and drug-resistant strains if we are
nutrient deficient! [4],
Research going back over a century has proven that nutrient
deficiencies, for example of vitamins A or D, can lead to increased
susceptibility to infectious diseases. A well-known and decades-old example is
the strong association of vitamin A deficiency with the development of more severe
measles infections, leading to a much higher rate of mortality. 5
Although the immune response has been demonstrated to be
impaired in nutritionally deficient hosts, the actions and vigor of the virus
itself may also be affected by the nutritional deficiency. Viruses have been
shown to develop increased virulence due to changes in their genomes when
replicating in a nutritionally deficient host. The exact mechanism for viral genetic
changes is not well documented but seems related to increased oxidative stress
in the host. For example, selenium-deficient mice were more susceptible to
viral infections, and developed severe forms of illnesses even when infected
with mild viral strains. Both the immune system and the viral systems were
affected by the nutrient deficiency in ways that strengthened the virus and
weakened the host. 5
Volunteers inoculated with live attenuated influenza virus
are more likely to develop fever and evidence of an immune response in the
winter when vitamin D levels are naturally low. And an interventional study showed that
vitamin D reduced the incidence of respiratory infections in children. [8]
Compelling epidemiological evidence indicates that vitamin D
deficiency is a stimulus causing seasonal flu rates to be much higher in the
winter months than the summer months. Evidence now confirms that lower
respiratory tract infections are more frequent, sometimes dramatically so, in
those with low serum vitamin D levels. In an intervention study, 800 IU of
vitamin D daily reduced seasonal flu levels in winter months to the low levels commonly
reported in summer months...virtually eliminating seasonal flu in that
population. [9]
We can see that vaccines and flu drugs convey only limited protection
and treatment against viral infections, and that the wisest course is to
fortify our immunity with adequate nutrient intake.
CBC News 9/23/09; Dr. Michael Gardam, director of infectious diseases
prevention and control at the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and
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