Most vitamin studies are flawed by poor methodology
In a new published analysis, researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University report that many large clinical trials of vitamin supplements, especially antioxidants like vitamin C, have flawed methodologies that make them 'useless' in determining the real value of such nutrients.
It is on the basis of such flawed studies created by researchers that are uninformed as to the nature of nutrients that their studies may conclude that vitamins are of no value or may even be harmful.
Of course, common sense tells us that essential nutrients cannot be inherently useless or harmful in reasonable doses, but those are messages that we repeatedly hear in the media reports. Such flawed science leads to the equally flawed calls for vitamins to be regulated as drugs, adding a new logical error in failing to consider the vast difference in safety between nutrients and drugs.
Drugs are typically synthetic, isolated substances that are foreign to the body and don't act like nutrients, and it is this foreignness of drug properties that make them inherently toxic to the body. That toxicity is the legal basis of regulating drugs as controlled substances, and the failure to demonstrate toxicity of nutrients, except in studies with such flawed methodogies as we are discussing, makes calls to regulate vitamins as drugs hollow and illogical.
A report on that article:
The original peer-reviewed publication in a peer-reviewed nutrition journal: