Friday, April 24, 2015

New Evidence that Canola (Rapeseed) Oil is Better than Olive Oil for Regulating Lipid and Inflammatory Markers in Obese Men

In a previous post I showed that Canola Oil was developed without Genetic Engineering (biotechnology; GMO):

In another post, I showed that canola oil had superior results to Olive Oil in comparisons of effects on cardiovascular health markers both in animal and human studies:

Now there is another study comparing the two oils. In that report, Rapeseed (Canola) Oil improved liver Health and inflammatory markers in obese men better than olive oil did. Consuming the canola oil resulted in improvements over consuming olive oil in a number of key markers in those men:

* Higher levels of serum omega-3 fatty acids
* Lower levels of LDL and total cholesterol
* Lower levels of serum AST (aspartate aminotransferase); a liver enzyme that detects liver damage and is a risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
* Reduction of the pro-inflammatory marker IL-6
* Indications of a potential long-term protective effect (gene expression resulting in a hormetic response) on inflammatory cytokines in adipose tissues

As before, the superior results from canola over olive oil are attributed to its higher omega-3 and lower omega-6 fatty acid content compared to olive oil. Don't think that olive oil is unhealthy; it's just that there is a myth that all canola oil is unhealthy, which repeatedly has been debunked by studies such as this latest one.

I would still advise against using Genetically Engineered (GMO) canola due to potential side effects such as the potential for unexpected new allergens and toxins, and the lack of long-term animal feeding studies actually proving safety. Since there is no way to track human reactions to GMO foods in North America due to a lack of will to impose documentation and labeling, we have no way to determine if the recent historical use supports their safety or risks. Because of the unscientific introduction of GMO foods and our current inability to pinpoint whether or not allergic or toxic reactions are occurring with their use, non-GMO (including organic) canola is the recommended type I suggest if you are considering using canola/rapeseed oil.